The main idea is to create a self-sufficient facility in the energy sector with photovoltaic solar panels, air-generators etc. Likewise the goal is to create a self-funding “mega-industry” that will produce all kinds of materials and products, vehicles, etc., that governments need and so far they are obtaining them via public tenders, from local and international manufacturers.
Despite this, the products will be offered at the market prices and the financial profit can be used to offer a serious solution for a plethora of unsolved problems that every government around the world is facing (like unemployment and many more). It is obvious that this will have a unique social impact.
For example, if the government has to obtain uniforms for the police or the army, from the private sector, now it can buy them from the 2ND CHANCE factory. Even if there is a governmental factory for that, it will have to relocate in the 2ND CHANCE facility.
In the same structure will also operate:
- a Hospital with all the medical specialties (including a veterinarian for small animals)
- “Home”, housing structures (hotel and restaurant) for homeless people
- Many different factories that will produce supplies for the Army and other public agencies, even an automotive factory, in order to produce specialized vehicles for governmental authorities.
- a School, a High School, a Further Education Provider, a College and a University. They will all be under governmental control and the tuition should be free.
- a factory outlet, with products and clothes produced in the facility. It will be open to all, with products in discounted prices, with client target group those of low income.
- a recreational area.
- and more.
The facility will be operated from people of two categories:
- The free people (ex-convicts, jobless people, homeless people, etc.), and the
- Prisoners.
The free people will work for the “Free Section” of the facility and the prisoners to the “Controlled Section”, until the day of their release and then their behavior and their productivity/production rate throughout the program will be assessed. If the assessment is positive certain privileges will be applied. For example they can apply to remain in the facility but this time in the Free Section.
Every worker, no matter his/her status, will get normal salary. Not $5 per day, but the exact amount appointed by the Labour law.
The free people who live in their own home and work in the Facility, will get the 100% of the salary.
For the convicts we suggest that they should not pay rent to the Institute, as the imprisonment it wasn’t their decision, but the result of their illegal actions. Apart from that they will get the remaining amount of their salary after the deduction of their living expenses (alimentation etc.) and the expenses of the facilities (maintenance of the structures they are using, utility bills etc.).
The rest of the salary will remain in the Bank Account of the Facility, until the day of their release. Then they will find a decent deposit of money, as the result of their hard work after their release, to make a new start.
In addition, options of sentence reduction will be offered to those who will decide to compensate their victim/s. Then their salary will be deposited directly to their victims, until the full counterbalance of amount the court will decree. As a motive the sentence will be minimized to the period the court will decide.
The goal here is to help the victims recover financially in addition to the moral satisfaction that the offender has gone to prison.
At the same time, the convicts must study. No matter what, they must get at least one specialization Diploma. If they don’t know how to read and/or write, they will attend the Evening School of the facility (the morning school will be the children of refugees, of poor families etc.), and as soon as they receive the basic education they must study even a low level specialization.
The objective goal of the Program is to reform and rehabilitate the convicts humanly.
Giving them access in the education system and a decent job aims in restoring what -for sure- lost long time ago: their dignity. They would be offered a single room with a private shower and a toilet inside a small bathroom. The entire room (inc. the bathroom) will be 8 to 10m2 at max. It is very small in comparison with the ones of free people but very big in comparison to typical prison cells. The idea is that in this way each prisoner is guaranteed a few hours of privacy per day and several security problems, like the formation of prison gangs or plots, will be minimized to zero.
The food of the prison will be cooked by free and licensed cooks, who will cook enough food for the prisoners, the Hospital and the Home of the homeless. The food must be decent, meaning healthy, clean and fresh. That is dictated by fact that the prisoners will pay it via their salary. So no pests in it…
The operation of the Facility will be conducted with military standards. Convicts will have a very tough schedule: work, school, cleaning (personal hygiene and the room must be in excellent condition) and training. There is no room for drugs and alcohol in a heavy program full of physical activities.
Once a month (a full 24hrs) they will be able to host their wives/husbands in their cells and this will motivate them even more to do their best to be released as soon as possible.
By the time they serve their sentences they will be addicted to a productive way of life, away from criminal activities and they will appreciate their property and respect the property of others.
The recidivism will be minimized as they will have a job waiting for them in the free section of the Facility. Today nobody wants to hire an ex-convict. By assuring them that their living after prison is secured, we are helping them leave their old habits permanently and regaining their sense of belonging in the society.
At the same time, the Facility will offer countless solutions to countless people globally.
If you believe that this program is what your government needs, please contact our President, in
Here is a typical Facility. The prison is at the center. Instead of a wall, there are buildings all around the prison including a Hospital, a Home for homeless, Schools, Factories etc.
A typical single cell, with personal WC and a shower, inside the bathroom.
There will be an option for TV and Computer that will be monitored by an AI system which will be able to detect if the convict is using the internet for bad and unlawful purposes.