- Convicts and former convicts, with minor offences (excluded: members of organised crime, drug dealers, murderers, child molesters and rapists, and more. The participation in the programme will be approved by the court of law for convicts, and by an appointed committee for the ex convicts).
- Minorities (Romani in example, but not limited to), who are facing social exclusions and discriminations (in three sectors: 1. Education (we will educate them), 2. Job (we will offer them a job), or 3. Health (we will provide them medical assistance).
- People with serious (and expensive) medical conditions. The ones that their insurance doesn’t cover their treatment and they cannot afford to pay.
- Refugees
- Homeless
- Jobless for more than a year
- Adults without degrees
- And more (note: all above mentioned categories are for reference only. More can be added by the Governmental Authority of each country)
Note: The programme will be very strict. If anyone creates problems to others (especially to the programme and to its staff), will be excluded from the programme after the second warning (third warning is actually the exclusion). In this way, nobody will “take the advantage” of the programme’s benefits. And if someone commits a crime, then the offender will be prosecuted and he/she will not be accepted in the programme ever again.
and many more..